"At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom..." Our nation begin its journey with these mesmerizing words by the first Prime Minister of Independent India Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru on the eve of independence in 1947.
It was a joyous hour for all Indians, as a country that had been under British rule for more than 200 years was finally being liberated.
At the same time, there were thousands of noble, spirited and dynamic souls who realized that political freedom alone is not sufficient for the peace, progress and salvation of the nation and nation building needs strong, powerful pillars viz Justice, Brotherhood, Freedom and Equality.
They were few in numbers but were emphatic in their conviction that these pillars could never stand the tides of time without a profound faith in God and strong, determined and unflinching sense of Accountability in Hereafter.
These men and women yearned for a nation that stands tall as a torch bearer of Justice, Piety and God- fearing life among the strife stricken gloomy world. These noble souls organized themselves and launched Jamaat e Islami Hind (JIH) on 16th April, 1948 in Prayagraj then known as Allahabad. From the humble beginning in 1948 JIH has grown leaps and bounds and has now emerged as a Pan-India Organization with its men and women working throughout the nook and corner of our glorious nation. JIH has made impressive imprints in all walks of life viz Spirituality, Inter-Faith Dialogue & Harmony, Research and Education, Social Welfare & Service, Value-based Politics, Ethical Journalism, Equity driven Economy and scores of other fields of Humanism and Welfare of the nation.
The Objective of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind is 'Iqamat e Deen' ie adhering and establishing the divinely revealed Way of life in all parts of life. The Objective is directly derived from the Quran.

JIH imbibes all its cherished values and norms from the basic, crucial and core beliefs of Oneness of God, Prophethood and the Hereafter.

The Source of Guidance is the Holy Quran and the Teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

The Governing Principles of JIH are Freedom of expression, Mutual consultation and Accountability to the Lord.

JIH strives to establish a society based on Piety, Peace, Brotherhood, Equality, Harmony and Justice. It dreams of a nation where there is no fear, a nation free of hunger, a nation free of injustice, a nation free of all sorts of corruption, atrocities, tyranny etc.

JIH strives to promote virtues and eradicate evils from the society as well as the nation. JIH aims to establish Justice in all spheres of life. JIH desires to transform the men and women of this great nation into exemplary people fully imbibed with universal virtues viz Piety, Patience, God consciousness, Fairness, Kindness, Honesty, Chastity, Generosity, Loyalty, Steadfastness, Tolerance, Love, Affection, Courage, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude.
JIH adopts constructive, legal and peaceful methods to achieve its objectives. It believes in reforming the mental outlook, character and conduct of the people through the teachings of Islam, instruction and dissemination of Islamic ideas and molds Public Opinion to facilitate the desired righteous changes in the society. In all its activities, JIH is bound by moral limits and has always consciously & conspicuously abstained from employing ways and means which lead to communal discord, class struggle, social chaos, anarchy, corruption and mischief in the land.
Major Acievements
Translating the Holy Quran into Tamil, Telugu, Kannada,Malayalam,
Urdu, Hindi, English and all major languages of India
Producing transformational literature to present the true teachings
of Islam and dispel misconceptions regarding Islam and Muslims
Organizing the Indian Muslims for community development and
Transforming lives on the basis of the Holy Quran and sunnah.
The real motive and prime driving force behind all our activities & endeavors is solely the attainment of Pleasure of God and everlasting success in the Hereafter.

Establish this religion and do not split up regarding it (The HolyQuran 42:13)
JIH has been a trendsetter and pioneer in publishing books on Islam in all of the 17 national languages of our nation. It has the unique distinction of translating the Holy Quran in all the major languages of our nation.
Besides JIH has published hundreds and thousands of books on Hadith, Seerah, Islamic History, Time Management, Human Rights, Law, Politics, Autobiographies, memoirs, children's literature, women, spiritualism etc.
Value based society
It could be easily said that the Raison d'etre of the Jamaat has always been the struggle towards forming a value based Society. Comprehensive reconstruction and development of national life on the basis of Justice, Equality, Peace and established ethical norms is the main forte of the Jamaat.
JIH works for establishing social justice. The thrust of the message of the Jamaat is that the ultimate success lies in following the divine guidance.

Empowering Women
JIH has always been keen on ensuring the active participation and involvement of the women in its struggle for the Islamic cause. Their participation continues to be extensive, outstanding and stupendous as Islam stresses the pivotal role of the fairer sex. Thousands of lady activists spread over the nook and corner of the country have been silently, systematically and indefatigably working for the betterment of the society and the welfare of the nation.